There have been lots of debates within and outside the nonprofit sector on regulations. Every year the sector has witnessed increased interest in strengthening and improving regulatory compliance, yet there is the need to find the balance between statutory regulation and self-regulation for the operations of nonprofits.

The questions on the mind of many nonprofit leaders, stakeholders and the general public is; “how do we regulate the activities of nonprofits without restricting their operations? How do we safeguard fundamental principles that ensure access to resources and sustain public trust? Is there a nexus
between statutory regulation and self-regulation? How does the nonprofit sector ensure that it stays true to its objectives and appropriately regulates itself? When is self-regulation or statutory regulation most effective?”

The nonprofit sector has the responsibility to set standards of practice and to engage regulators in evolving both statutory and self-regulatory frameworks that are nationally acceptable along global best practices and norms, whilst acknowledging regional peculiarities.

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