The Nigeria Network of NGOs has more than 2,400-member organisations and works with diverse institutions within and outside the civil society ranging from academics, trade union, funders through to private sector and government. We work to secure a fairer operational environment for Nigerian nonprofits.
Our 2018-22 strategic plan emanates from our continued commitment to supporting nonprofits in the country in bringing prosperity to people and planet. Our analysis of rapidly changing environment and challenges facing civil society, and an elaborate process of consultation within the NNNGO membership and critical stakeholders to determine the most useful role NNNGO can play in adding value to the work our members do and to secure the operational environment we want.
This strategy represents an ambitious programme of work for the next five years, building on NNNGO’s strength evident from the record of the past 5 years.
We have been through a record period of growth with well recognised expertise in areas such as nonprofit regulatory reforms, NGO management, civil society strengthening and growth, policy advocacy and campaigns, research and analysis on the nonprofit sector and convening. Our turnover has increased from N1, 576, 765 million in 2013 to N37, 232, 529 million in the current financial year. Our staff are in demand as a source of technical and policy advice to government, international organisations and private
sector in different parts of the world.
We have reformed our work in ways that are already enhancing our capacity for high-quality convening and events. These outcomes reflect the strength of NNNGO’s brand as a trusted source for independent research and policy analysis on the Nigerian nonprofit sector. Towering high behind this brand is the professionalism and commitment of our staff, volunteers, interns and consultants.