Our membership increased from 3,623 in December 2022 to 3,912 in December 2023. We successfully implemented 10 projects and organized 9 virtual trainings on nonprofit management courses. We engaged our audience across our social media platforms using multimedia messaging in a total of 926 posts with: 451,713 impressions and 267,556 engagements on Facebook; 211,990 impressions and 114,308 engagements on Twitter; 187,865 impressions and 94,382 engagements on Instagram.

Trainings and workshops hosted by NNNGO in 2023 prioritized gender equality, capturing participation data and ensuring equal opportunities for both genders, different age groups (youths and adults) and ensuring
representative attendance of persons with disabilities demonstrating a commitment to diversity and inclusion. Meeting facilities and rooms were accessible to persons with disabilities, including making provisions for the participation of their support staff especially for project related workshops in line with global best practices.

NNNGO majorly communicated with its  members via emails campaigns, direct emails, phone calls, text messaging, a closed WhatsApp group strictly set up for paid members, and via various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

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