Technical Issues in Donor Agencies Regulatory Commission Bill HB 1568

This report analyses various issues in the Donor Agencies Regulatory Commission Bill HB 1568 and makes recommendations that the law hould be dropped.

The importance of civil society is reflected by the significant grants and donations made to them
by different stakeholders and actors within the development ladder ranging from individualseveryday Nigerians, corporate organisations, philanthropists, foundations, and multilateral organisations.

There has been significant legislative interest relating to civil society regulations since the 6th Assembly. These regulatory attempts though pushed back by civil society focused on narratives such as national security, prevention of terrorism financing, corruption,and lack of regulations. While the issues framed by these narratives are relevant and of concern to the civil society sector, to balance regulation against proper protection of institutions within civil society, none of these issues have been investigated or evidenced.

Kindly fill this form to download the Technical Issues in Donor Agencies Regulatory Commission Bill HB 1568


Nonprofit governance has been in the spotlight in the last few years with increased interest in regulatory
compliance. The Part F of the Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA) is the law guiding the formation and governance of nonprofits in Nigeria. This document is our attempt to provide a framework for improving nonprofit compliance with the Part F of CAMA. Our theory of change is centered on the assumption that good nonprofit governance serves as a strong foundation for an efficient nonprofit sector. In this document we have placed strong emphasis on how nonprofits can achieve each clause in the law, rationale for meeting them and key outcomes for the nonprofit sector.

This document is an important piece of guidance that nonprofit trustees and managers need to be familiar with. It draws on the legal requirements, established best practices and principles designed to challenge nonprofits to improve their governance and to ensure necessary systems and processes are in place in their various organisations to comply with regulations guiding the operations of nonprofits in the country, thereby helping them keep a focus on their purpose (objects).

Kindly fill this form to download the GUIDE ON COMPLYING WITH THE PART F OF CAMA

Precautionary Regulatory Measures

Imagine that you have just received a telephone call that a political aspirant or sitting elected official wants to give your nonprofit money to organise charitable activities for your target audience. You have always made a difference in your community and you want to do more. You think this money could be put to good use.

Because of this information you have received, you call your staff to start thinking of ideas, you are already excited and planning to meet with your potential donor. You have heard it that individual giving is the most sustainable source of funding for nonprofits.

The Nigeria Network of NGOs has prepared this advisory note to help you steer the course of receiving funding from politicians and political aspirants around this period. With the national elections around the corner, trends from the 2015 general elections saw politicians and their supporters providing support to nonprofits to hold events where aspirants can speak to large audiences or to demonstrate their
kindness and generosity to disadvantaged communities.

Kindly fill this form to download the PRECAUTIONARY REGULATORY MEASURES

Advisory Document on Freedom of Association at the Sub-National Level

This advisory document is designed to provide guidance to sub-national governments and regulators within Nigeria on the critical issue of freedom of association at the sub-national level. It outlines the importance of protecting this fundamental right and offers recommendations for promoting a conducive environment form associations, organizations, and groups to flourish.

The advisory document focuses on sub-national governments’ roles in safeguarding freedom of association, ensuring compliance with national laws, and fostering collaboration with civil society. It also provides a set of recommendations aimed at promoting and protecting this fundamental right.

Kindly fill this form to download the Advisory Document on Freedom of Association at the Sub-National Level

The Nigeria Network of NGOs (NNNGO) is the first generic membership body for civil society organisations in Nigeria that facilitates effective advocacy on issues of poverty and other developmental issues. Established in 1992, NNNGO represents over 3495 organisations ranging from small groups working

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