NNNGO Launches Nonprofit Operational Manual


The Nigeria Network of NGOs today with support from Forus, French Development Agency and
European Union announces the launch of its Nonprofit Operational Manual. The manual aims to help nonprofits adopt best organisational practices, clarify requirements, regulations and compliance issues relating to managing a nonprofit. It is designed as a capacity building tool and reference material for successfully running a nonprofit organisation and serve as a guide for understanding and complying with regulatory frameworks guiding the operation of nonprofits in Nigeria.


Click here to download the whole document


NNNGO Launches Nonprofit Self-Assessment Tool (NOPSAT)

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The Nigeria Network of NGOs (NNNGO) has begun the process of improving capacity within the Nigerian  Nonprofit sector with the launch of its Nonprofit Self-Assessment Tool (NOPSAT), an e-instrument designed to help evaluate the efficiency of NGOs.

NNNGO sought to provide Nonprofits with a platform that allows its users to conduct a “health check” on their organisation based on information provided so that Nonprofits that log onto NOPSAT will be able to carry out an assessment on their organisations and thus, measure structure, systems, capacities, strengths and weakness in terms of financing, interaction with donors and beneficiaries as well as compliance to nonprofit laws and regulatory trends.


Oyebisi, B. Oluseyi, NNNGO Executive Director said; “We believe that a more efficient nonprofit with the right governance, financial, programme management monitoring and reporting framework will reinforce the attainment of agenda 2030 and make the nonprofit sector more accountable. This self-assessment tool will help nonprofits better understand how to shape their governance and operations in line with global best practices and in adherence to laws that regulate nonprofit activities in the country. We have, in this tool, set measurable indicators for efficiency and growth including goals to hold ourselves accountable as individual organisations. We know that a sector-wide attainment of these indicators will lead to stronger, innovative and sustainable third sector”.


Organisations can be evaluated based on honest responses to prompts intended to measure their  governance strategy and structure, human resources and administration, programme management, monitoring and reporting along with its financial management and sustainability.


Ultimately, the outcome of the check will provide an opportunity for Nonprofits to strengthen their organisation, put sustainable systems in place and seek capacity development where lacking.


Click here to download

To assess the status of your organisation, do a self-assessment today by clicking  url=”https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.nonprofitactioncentre.org/assessment/&source=gmail&ust=1552559306367000&usg=AFQjCNExB_66h4aQ-R2iVxA7WUy2wjiQpw”>http://www.nonprofitactioncentre.org/assessment/

For further information, please contact,

Chidinma Okpara : chidinma.okpara@nnngo.org

Adeola Odunsi:      adeola.odunsi@nnngo.org

+234906 946 0107



The Nigeria Network of Non- Governmental Organizations (NNNGO) in collaboration with the Special Control Unit Against Money Laundering (SCUML) organised two regional workshops themed, Effective Implementation AML/CFT Requirements in the NPO Sector in Nigeria.


The first of the workshops was held in Lagos; Vantage Hub: Mosesola House on 19th February 2018 and gathered 67 participants from across the southern region. The second workshop, organised at Den is Hotel, Abuja on 26th February, 2018 was attended by 68 participants from the northern region.


In attendance were the Directors of NFIU, Mr Francis Usani and SCUML, Mr Bamanga Bello, as well as officials from the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), SCUML, the Nigerian Financial Intelligence Unit (NFIU) and various Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).




On the Part C of the Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA)


Three years ago, the Nigeria Network of NGOs (NNNGO) started a remarkable journey of protecting and improving the regulatory environment for the work of nonprofits across the nation.


As we initiated this process, we sought to engage with regulators in an effective manner within a culture of mutual trust. We sought to explore through this relationship how best we can work with regulators to improve our field of play. Through this exploration, we developed an epoch making robust partnership with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in a way that history was made and cannot be ignored when it comes to civil society-government relationship.


Armed with successes of our joint venture with CAC in convening a sector wide conference in 2016 and the resolve of attendees calling for the review of the Part C of CAMA including CAC’s invitation for feedback and input from the nonprofit community, we were keen to hear firsthand from organisations about the challenges they face with regards to regulations by the Commission. Thus the online and offline consultations were conceived to capture insights that can inform the review of the Part C of CAMA as the nonprofit sector advances.



Public Hearing on NGO Regulatory Agency Bill (HB585)

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Public Hearing on NGO Regulatory Agency Bill (HB585)



On the 13th and 14th December 2017, the House of Representatives will host a public hearing on a Bill for an Act to Provide for The Establishment of The Non-Governmental Organizations’ Regulatory Commission for The Supervision, Co-ordination and Monitoring of Non-Governmental Organizations, Civil Society Organisations Etc., In Nigeria And for Related Matters (hereinafter “Bill”).

Nonprofits in Nigeria continue to play a vital role in strengthening democracy, advancing freedom of expression and enriching our diversity. Over the years, Nigerians have turned to nonprofit organisations for support and they have kept their doors opened to serve millions of communities, families and individuals; taking on a variety of causes that critically require their intervention. Nonprofit organisations and social enterprises make an important contribution to the Nigerian economy and our society, as well as providing employment.

The services provided by nonprofit organisations, community groups, and social enterprises play crucial roles in ensuring that individuals and communities are well equipped to deal with structural changes in the nation’s economy, providing support to vulnerable groups, or supporting communities to develop. Nonprofits complement government’s efforts.

Between 95 – 98% of nonprofits in the country are funded directly by their founders with support from friends, family and the public. Only 2 – 5% receive foreign funding. Founders of nonprofits have noted that they are motivated to start a nonprofit given the growing inequality that exits in their communities and the need to act to remedy this.  These are a set of talking points we encourage individuals and organisations in the nonprofit space to use in their advocacy around the NGO Regulatory Agency Bill.

 General Points

  • We are extremely concerned that this bill will disrupt the activities of nonprofits and the millions of families that we serve.
  • The House Bill fails to protect our right as citizens to freedom of association and assembly as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), and the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) which Nigeria is a party to.
  • With the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the role of critical stakeholders (Government, private sector and civil society) in attaining the goals, Bill HB 585 is moving the country in the wrong direction as it creates unnecessary bureaucratic barriers necessary for an effective partnership for the goals.
  • Rather than encourage more people to support the over 112 million people that are poor and vulnerable, the Bill disables the operational environment within which such support can be given.
  • If the bill is passed in its current form, the National Assembly will effectively cut out support to communities and families whose existence depend on the charitable acts of nonprofits.
  • We recognise the need to make the sector more transparent and accountable but we do not believe Bill HB585 is the solution to this challenge.

Existing Regulatory Framework

  • The NGO Regulatory Agency Bill assumes there are no regulations for the NGO sector whereas we have 8 legal frameworks and they are:
  1. Part C of the Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA).
  2. Companies Income Tax Act (CITA)
  3. Taxes and Levies (Approved List for Collection) Act
  4. Value-Added Tax Act and Value-Added Tax Amendment Act
  5. Federal Inland Revenue Service (Establishment) Act
  6. National Planning Commission Act
  7. Money Laundering Prohibition Act and
  8. Financial Reporting Council Act
  • The Corporate Affairs Commission registers nonprofits in Nigeria and already takes care of the supervisory, registration and licensing role taunted in Bill 585.
  • The Federal Inland Revenue Service ensures nonprofit funds are subjected to appropriate taxes and exemptions.
  • The Special Control Unit on Money Laundering (SCUML) supervises nonprofit transactions to be sure that the sector is not used for money laundering and terrorism financing.
  • Financial Reporting Council ensures that audit reports produced by nonprofits are in line with the International Financial Reporting Standards and that auditors providing services to the sector are doing the right thing.
  • Bill 585 rather than strengthen the above provisions makes dangerous recommendations that opens nonprofits to become an instrument of ridicule, blurring the lines to the sectors’ independence.

Mandatory Registration

  • (Section 11(1)), (Section 13(4)) and (Section 37(1)-(2)) negates Article 22.7 of the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) which has consistently found that mandatory registration of NGOs is not permitted. While reserving tax incentives and other benefits for registered organizations may be appropriate, requiring registration violates the second and third prongs of the Article 22 of the ICCPR which Nigeria ratified on July 29, 1993.

Government Appendage

  • Rather than enable the sectors’ independence, (Section 26(1)) and (Section 27(1)) make nonprofits an appendage of government as it places another layer of registration on the sector by asking for approval from relevant Ministries of Government/Agency before projects can be carried out in communities or support given to the poor. Such extensive involvement by the proposed Commission in the internal affairs of an organization places severe logistical and practical constraints on its ability to conduct activities independently and to associate more broadly.
  • This Bill weakens and imposes unnecessary restrictions on the ability of nonprofits to provide in real time critical support, services and care that can lift millions out of poverty thus entrenching inequality.
  • We are concerned that this Bill sets a foundation for anarchy as nonprofits continue to be the only succor left for the common man in a country where social protection systems cannot cover the majority who need them.

Restrictions on Capacity Building

  • (Section 28(3)) states that assets transferred to build the capacity of an organization should be done through the Commission, which will identify the operation criteria. This provision in the Bill challenges the right of organisations to use their own resources.
  • Bill 585 inadvertently seeks to ensure that the capacity of nonprofits to deliver on their organisational vision and mission is weakened and left to the whims and caprices of the Commission thereby reducing the impact of the sector.
  • The UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association writes, “Under international law, problematic constraints include…requiring the transfer of funds to a centralized Government fund.”17 He additionally states “the obligation for associations to route funding through state channels…constitute human rights violations.”

Criminalization of unregistered organisations

  • (Section 24) specifically criminalizes the operation of an NGO in Nigeria “for welfare, research, health relief, agriculture, education, industry, the supply of amenities or any other similar purposes” without registration and certificate under the Act
  • An individual operating an unregistered NGO under this Section may face a fine of 500,000 Naira, a prison sentence of 18 months, or both (Section 24). Further, any individual convicted is additionally disqualified from holding office in any NGO for ten years (Section 24).
  • This in our opinion is the Sponsors strategy to quell dissenting views or beliefs.
  • The UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association states, “Individuals involved in unregistered associations should indeed be free to carry out any activities…and should not be subject to criminal sanctions…”

NGO Commission

  • The Bill contemplates the establishment of a Commission to register and oversee the regulation of NGOs and civil societies, as well as a Board to manage the Commission. Although, several countries have established commissions to certify charities or public benefit status, very few have established stand-alone commissions to regulate and monitor civil society organizations like the one envisioned by this Bill.



Risk assessment; a process of evaluating potential risks, is often tailored round a projected activity as a way to define an estimate of risk related to the known threat. Over the years, Nigeria, like many African countries, has become a significant center for financial crime. This is essentially due to lack of proper checks and balances within the socio-economic purview, weak laws, weaker implementations of the laws already on ground and general lack of attention being paid to the movement of money especially within the third sector; terrorist organizations and corrupt officials therefore take advantage of the situation to launder money through not-for profit organizations and for the most part, get away with it.


The requirement to perform a National Risk Assessment stemmed from the 40 Recommendations on International Standards on Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation handed down by the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF), issued in 2012 and subsequently revised in 2016. The FATF is an intergovernmental body established in 1989It is the global body that sets the standards for combating money laundering and terrorist financing as well as other related threats to the integrity of the international financial system.


The National Risk Assessment began in the wake of the revision of the FATF recommendations which was done in 2012, recommending that countries identify, assess and understand the level of risks their countries face in terms of money laundering and terrorist financing. It mandated the need for specific actions to be taken in order to assess and ultimately mitigate these risks in their locales. Before it was officially reviewed and amended in 2016, the FATF Recommendation characterized Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as being particularly vulnerable to terrorists abuse and this impacted the operation of civil society organizations greatly as laws which restricted the free operations of NGOs were then implemented. The revision however helped in gauging the effectiveness of the stringent laws, bringing to light the areas where implementation could be enhanced to mitigate the high risk of terrorist abuse within the sector.


Since inception, assessments have been done via mutual evaluations that are conducted with the country and representatives of the FATF or regional standard setter. It is to ensure that measures which are intended to be put in place to combat and ultimately mitigate the of risks of money laundering and terrorist financing within a country, sector or an organization are proportionate with the level of risks identified; anywhere there is movement of money: Financially-Based Organizations (FBO) as well as Designated Non-Financial Institutions (DNFI) which received sponsorship from various sources; NPOs are a part of, there is a perceived threat and the aim is to prevent criminals from using the financial system to move ill-gotten funds.


The Nigerian Financial Intelligence Unit (NFIU) has established a unit responsible for conducting thematic strategic analysis with a view to identifying money laundering and terrorism financing trends and typologies prevalent in the country. In this capacity, the NFIU relies mainly on the intelligence generated by itself and has not systemically benefited from other information in particular cases investigated by law enforcement agencies which were not triggered by NFIU. To date the NFIU has published one typology report on terrorist financing.


Organizations would demonstrate that the issues which predispose them to risks or amplify their level of vulnerability are taken into consideration; adequate measures to strengthen their structures and mitigate these risks are thought through and implemented. It is important to note however that even in all of these, risk is a dynamic and amorphous concept as it is inherently difficult to describe or measure in quantifiable terms; areas which were not initially considered to be vulnerable could pop up as the weak link if the mitigated measures are not carried out to safeguard the organization or sector as a whole therefore a risk assessment will involve making judgments about these perceived issues to achieve it intended goal.


On March 28, 2018, over 200 participants from across the country attended the sector-wide conference themed Implementation of AML/CFT Standards for the Non-Profit Organisations, (NPOs) Sector in Nigeria. Organised by the Nigeria Network of NGOs, in collaboration with Special Control Unit on Money Laundering, the conference focused on the need for a reform of the legal framework on AML/CFT measures, strengthening of the criminal justice system and inter-agency cooperation, funding and capacity strengthening of regulatory agencies in ways that ensures ease of regulatory compliance by all sectors.


At the end of the conference, participants affirmed their commitment towards working to address critical issues faced by NPOs in relation to compliance with the law and called on SCUML to continue its good work of engaging and partnering with stakeholders in implementing a robust AML/CFT for the country


Written by Chidinma Okpara: Project Officer, Regulatory Engagement, NNNGO


Risk assessment; a process of evaluating potential risks, is often tailored round a projected activity as a way to define an estimate of risk related to the known threat. Over the years, Nigeria, like many African countries, has become a significant center for financial crime. This is essentially due to lack of proper checks and balances within the socio-economic purview, weak laws, weaker implementations of the laws already on ground and general lack of attention being paid to the movement of money especially within the third sector; terrorist organizations and corrupt officials therefore take advantage of the situation to launder money through not-for profit organizations and for the most part, get away with it.

The requirement to perform a National Risk Assessment stemmed from the 40 Recommendations on International Standards on Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation handed down by the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF), issued in 2012 and subsequently revised in 2016. The FATF is an intergovernmental body established in 1989It is the global body that sets the standards for combating money laundering and terrorist financing as well as other related threats to the integrity of the international financial system.


The National Risk Assessment began in the wake of the revision of the FATF recommendations which was done in 2012, recommending that countries identify, assess and understand the level of risks their countries face in terms of money laundering and terrorist financing. It mandated the need for specific actions to be taken in order to assess and ultimately mitigate these risks in their locales. Before it was officially reviewed and amended in 2016, the FATF Recommendation characterized Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as being particularly vulnerable to terrorists abuse and this impacted the operation of civil society organizations greatly as laws which restricted the free operations of NGOs were then implemented. The revision however helped in gauging the effectiveness of the stringent laws, bringing to light the areas where implementation could be enhanced to mitigate the high risk of terrorist abuse within the sector.


Since inception, assessments have been done via mutual evaluations that are conducted with the country and representatives of the FATF or regional standard setter. It is to ensure that measures which are intended to be put in place to combat and ultimately mitigate the of risks of money laundering and terrorist financing within a country, sector or an organization are proportionate with the level of risks identified; anywhere there is movement of money: Financially-Based Organizations (FBO) as well as Designated Non-Financial Institutions (DNFI) which received sponsorship from various sources; NPOs are a part of , there is a perceived threat and the aim is to prevent criminals from using the financial system to move ill-gotten funds.


The Nigerian Financial Intelligence Unit (NFIU) has established a unit responsible for conducting thematic strategic analysis with a view to identifying money laundering and terrorism financing trends and typologies prevalent in the country. In this capacity, the NFIU relies mainly on the intelligence generated by itself and has not systemically benefited from other information in particular cases investigated by law enforcement agencies which were not triggered by NFIU. To date the NFIU has published one typology report on terrorist financing.


Organizations would demonstrate that the issues which predispose them to risks or amplify their level of vulnerability are taken into consideration; adequate measures to strengthen their structures and mitigate these risks are thought through and implemented. It is important to note however that even in all of these, risk is a dynamic and amorphous concept as it is inherently difficult to describe or measure in quantifiable terms; areas which were not initially considered to be vulnerable could pop up as the weak link if the mitigated measures are not carried out to safeguard the organization or sector as a whole therefore a risk assessment will involve making judgments about these perceived issues to achieve it intended goal.


Written by Chidinma Okpara: Project Officer, and Oyindamola Aramide: Communications Officer, Regulatory Engagement, NNNGO.


Thoughts and opinions expressed are that of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Nigeria Network of NGOs


The Inter-Governmental Action Group against Money Laundering in West Africa, (GIABA) is responsible for strengthening the capacity of ECOWAS member states towards the prevention and control of money laundering and terrorist financing in the region.

Officially inaugurated in year 2000, GIABA operates as one of the eight FATF style regional bodies concerned with ensuring that member states of ECOWAS comply with international AML/CFT standards as well as granting Observer Status to African, non-African States and Inter-Governmental Organizations which have applied for observer status and support its objectives and actions.


The creation of GIABA is a major response and contribution of the ECOWAS to the fight against money laundering. GIABA consists of 16 countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo.


GIABA’s core functions includes: Institutional Development, compliance monitoring, technical support to member states, Regional and International Cooperation, partnership, Typologies and other Research. This helps to determine the techniques, methods, extent, pattern, trends, location and impact of Money Laundering and Terrorist financing on Member States. The conduct of Technical Assistance Needs Assessment (TANA) on member States was aimed at determining specific targets for intervention with a view to making maximum impact in strengthening the regional AML/CFT framework.


This anti-money laundering agency operates through four main organs: An Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee consisting of three ministers responsible for Finance, Justice and Interior/ Security of each Member State; The Secretariat, which is located in Dakar, Republic of Senegal; the Technical Commission, which consists of experts drawn from the above-mentioned ministries of member States and; a network of national correspondents.


In carrying out its duties, GIABA conducts Mutual Evaluations of Member States in accordance with FATF standards and also in compliance with its enabling Statutes. The Evaluations are based on the FATF Forty Recommendations (2003) and the Nine Special Recommendations on Terrorist Financing (2001), using the AML/CFT Methodology 2004.


Member States of GIABA agree to subject themselves to a mutual assessment process in conformity with international standards for preventing money laundering and financing of terrorism as contained in Articles 12 to 14 of the GIABA Statute. The scope of the Evaluation is to assess whether the necessary laws, regulations or other measures required under the essential criteria are in force and effect, that there has been a full and proper implementation of all the necessary measures, and that the AML/CFT system as implemented is effective.


The evaluated country is rated depending on the efficacy of measures put in place to detect, prevent or sanction cases of money laundering and terrorist financing. Ratings range from compliant, largely compliant, partially compliant, to non-compliant. A report is issued after completion of the mutual evaluation. It is then discussed and adopted at GIABA Plenary. Once the report is adopted by the Plenary, it will be published on GIABA website unless the country raises objection to the publication of the report. In such a situation, the Secretariat would publish a note to indicate that the country has chosen not to publish its report. The mutual evaluation onsite visits are based on the calendar approved from time to time by the GIABA Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee.


It is safe to say that going by its method of evaluation, implementation of laws and regulations and the adoption of FATF’s way of doing things, GIABA has adopted the FATF procedure in the evaluation of Member States.


Written by Adeola Odunsi, Project Officer, Regulatory Engagement with editorial support by Oyindamola Aramide, Communications Officer.


Thoughts and opinions expressed are that of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Nigeria Network of NGOs


26th April, 2017.


Corporate entities and nonprofit organizations in Nigeria and beyond have continued to support and engage in charitable causes, which have met the yearnings and aspirations of individuals, groups and the society at large. Many corporate entities have adopted various corporate social responsibility policies in an attempt to give back to the society in which they operate. Activities of foundations established by corporate organizations have been beneficial to the public in a variety of ways ranging from tackling abuse of various forms to developmental issues, healthcare, environmental and socio-cultural challenges.


This article seeks to provide a general overview on the legal framework for the establishment of nonprofits in Nigeria. It also highlights governance structures for nonprofits, dissolution and corporate social responsibility reporting.


The legal framework for non-governmental organizations in Nigeria stems from the provision of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 which recognizes the right to peaceful assembly and association. The Companies and Allied Matters Act, Cap C20, Laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 2004 (“CAMA”), is the principal legislation that regulates corporate entities registered in Nigeria and the Corporate Affairs Commission (the “Commission” or “CAC”) is the supervisory regulatory body for registered corporate entities.


Under the Company and Allied Matter Act, the commonly used structures for incorporating not-for-profit organizations are companies limited by guarantee and incorporated trustees and the procedures for registration are provided for under CAMA.


The Part C of CAMA provides for registration of incorporated trustees. Section 590(1) of CAMA provides thus:


“where one or more trustees are appointed by any community of persons bound together by customs, religion, kinship or nationality or by anybody or association of persons established for any religious, educational, literary, scientific, social, development, cultural, sporting or charitable purpose, he or they may if so authorized by the community, body or association…apply to the Commission in the manner hereafter provided for registration…as a corporate body.”


Once the association or organisation is registered by the Commission as an incorporated trustee, the trustees jointly become a body corporate with perpetual succession and have the power to sue and be sued. It is pertinent to state that the registration of an incorporated trustee confers the corporate status on the trustees rather than on the organisation itself unlike a company limited by guarantee which confers the status of a corporate body on the company itself. The significance of this fact is that, where an organisation has incorporated trustees registered under CAMA, the trustees on behalf of the organisation are empowered to contract in the same form and manner as an individual. This includes the power to hold, acquire and transfer any property on behalf of the association.

The Nigeria Network of NGOs (NNNGO) is the first generic membership body for civil society organisations in Nigeria that facilitates effective advocacy on issues of poverty and other developmental issues. Established in 1992, NNNGO represents over 3495 organisations ranging from small groups working

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