Membership of the Network will provide you with technical information, advocacy and professional networking. It also gives you the right to shape our activities and priorities for the future.

Our members commit to adherence to the NNNGO code of conduct and conformance with international best practices for the 3rd sector.

In addition to the benefits (click here for the list of benefits) NNNGO already offers our members, we now have discounted services on website hosting and design, annual report writing, accounts auditing, filing of annual returns with the corporate affairs commission, organizational development and proposal writing.

NNNGO is the first generic membership body for civil society organizations in Nigeria that facilitates effective advocacy on issues of poverty and other developmental issues. We are the only membership organization charged with the objective of identifying, registering, coordinating, building capacity and mobilizing civil society organizations to promote interconnectivity and bring equity, justice, peace and development to grassroots communities throughout Nigeria, with members in all States of the Federation.

Every year, we organize the largest national NGO conference, providing a critical platform to find collective solutions to advance the work of non-profit-organizations.

We contribute to giving visibility to, and supporting the leadership of, non-governmental organizations across the country to meet their organizational objectives.

Our direct engagement with national NGO networks and alliances around the world, contributes to our understanding of the 3rd sector globally, giving us the expertise in our analytical work around civil society and in developing practical tools and best practices for our members to grow.

We work collaboratively and use our strength as an organization to create and open up spaces for non-governmental organizations and movements in Nigeria to participate in key development and policy-making venues at the national and global level.

Your membership with NNNGO, helps you to stay connected with over 1000 dynamic and diverse organizations in all the 36 States of the Federation and the FCT (Abuja) working with us as a Network to bring development to the door steps of the common man.

On our website is a functional membership area, where members (paid members) can download toolkits and templates that will aid their work and also access member’s only information.

In addition you will receive:

  • A monthly membership e-newsletter keeping you up to date on members news, events and opportunities, NNNGO activities and call to actions
  • Opportunity to be profiled on our website
  • A listing in the NGO directory and link to your organization from the NNNGO website
  • Direct mentoring and coaching on civil society related issues by our dedicated and professional staff members
  • Access to international learning exchanges in the United Kingdom, Ghana and South Africa
  • Customized capacity building training on NGO management.

Remember that the greatest value of your NNNGO membership is your involvement and participation in our activities. We encourage you to refer to us for up-to- date information on services and activities offered by NNNGO in support of your work.

Organizations/Individuals wishing to join the NNNGO membership must first subscribe to its Vision and Mission and must:

  • Be a self-organized and governed to take action for the benefit of helping to develop communities and established as not for profit
  • Does not necessarily have to be registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) but must have its ways of working, constitution and bye laws written down in a publicly available document
  • Be open to members of the community or to groups interested in your publicly stated aims
  • Be based in Nigeria, if your organization operates across the globe it must have a branch in Nigeria
  • Be well constituted
  • Not be affiliated to or be in the membership of any political party
  • Must subscribe to the NNNGO Code of Conduct for NGOs in Nigeria

NNNGO reserves the right to refuse membership to organizations/individuals it believes to be ineligible. The decision of the Executive council is final.

  • All members should respect the spirit, values and standards expressed within the mission and vision of NNNGO.
  • Materials received as a benefit of membership may be used to promote civil society and civil society programmes. They must not be used for commercial purposes or any action that is not in accordance with the NNNGO vision and mission and Code of conduct.
  • All members are expected to actively participate, whenever possible, in NNNGO meetings and activities.
  • All members are expected to share their wealth of knowledge and expertise with NNNGO and its members. Each member can contribute something uniquely valuable to the goal of strengthening the civil society both locally and internationally. Civil society organisations around the world routinely seek information on the experience of their colleagues. By sharing such information with NNNGO, members strengthen the global network.
  • All members are expected to provide NNNGO with up-to-date contact information and details of their work and projects.
  • All members are required to pay an annual membership fee based on their category of membership.
  • As with most non-profit membership associations, revenue from membership dues does not cover all of the costs associated with membership services. Members, Associates/Affiliates that are able to contribute to the NNNGO Civil Society Development Fund are requested to do so. These contributions help cover both current and future costs associated with membership services. (Any amount is thankfully received).
The Nigeria Network of NGOs (NNNGO) is the first generic membership body for civil society organisations in Nigeria that facilitates effective advocacy on issues of poverty and other developmental issues. Established in 1992, NNNGO represents over 3495 organisations ranging from small groups working

Do you have questions? Call or visit us.


Plot 3 Sobanjo avenue, Idi-ishin Jericho Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria.

15 Ramat Crescent, Ogudu GRA, Lagos, Nlgeria 


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