NNNGO runs series of thematic and specialized networks, covering various areas of development. Participation in these networks sets an opportunity to keep up to date with latest developments, experience sharing, learning exchanges and networking with other professionals in the sector.

This network is for those organizations and individuals working on poverty and issues related to it. The purpose of the network are to develop capacity within the civil society sector by providing a platform for experience sharing, resource development and sharing, campaigning and networking plus professional development opportunities.

The HIV/AIDS network has attracted much interest from across all sectors of the Nigerian economy, as well as from the international community. The network brings together organizations and individuals working on HIV/AIDS with the aim of providing joint actions and campaigns against the much dreaded disease.

Recognizing that Education serves as the bedrock for any nations development, the Education network advocates for better education for all, this is a platform for organizations and individuals championing better education within the national and global development arena.

Health is wealth they say, our Health Network gives learning and sharing opportunities for the Health focused organizations and individuals to develop joint initiatives and actions for affordable and accessible health care delivery for all.

Here youth led organizations, youth involving organizations and young people come together to shape their future through active engagement and advocacies on issues bothering on their development. One of such is the Youth and MDGS campaign championed by young people with the support of the Nigeria Network of NGOs.

For organizations and individuals working on democracy and rule of law, corruption, public finance etc this is the right place to be, the Democracy and Good Governance network serves as a forum for engaging with government and government institutions on issues of democracy and good governance.

This network provides important information through effective research that feeds into national policies capable of bringing economic development to the door step of the common man.

Individuals and organizations working in the area of climate change, environmental policy, forests, sustainable management of natural resources, water and sanitation, energy, and eco-efficiency have through this network championed environmental courses and engage with relevant government agencies on this.

All these Networks continue to attract much interest from across the civil society and public sector, as well as from the private sector. Its work and ways of working are led and informed by its diverse range of members.

If you or your organization will like to champion a network please email

The Nigeria Network of NGOs (NNNGO) is the first generic membership body for civil society organisations in Nigeria that facilitates effective advocacy on issues of poverty and other developmental issues. Established in 1992, NNNGO represents over 3495 organisations ranging from small groups working

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Plot 3 Sobanjo avenue, Idi-ishin Jericho Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria.

15 Ramat Crescent, Ogudu GRA, Lagos, Nlgeria 


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