The Cathy Life Builder Foundation is a humanitarian organisation which believes that humans as special species rely on love, care and attention. They therefore dedicated their time, resources and efforts o ensuring that the underprivileged in the society survive, thrive and have some sort of sense of belonging. The Cathy Life Builder Foundation promises to continue in the spirit of service to humanity by paying attention to what matters most particularly in areas that are neglected and left behind while covering three states of the Federation – Plateau, Kogi and Benue states.  


Some of their areas of focus include


  • Provision of support to families with sickle cell disorder.
  • Raising awareness on the need to “save the next generation”, “suffer not the innocent children in schools, prisons and orphanages”.
  • Providing sensitization and encouraging genotype testing
  • Sensitization on malaria prevention
  • Provision of counseling services.

 In the area of gender concerns, the Cathy Life Builder Foundation works on:


  • Advocacy for the girl child on issues relating to teenage and unplanned pregnancy, early marriage and the dangers of abortion.
  • Assisting single mothers by empowering them on various skill acquisition and small scale businesses.
  • Raising awareness on dangers of drug abuse.

In the area of promotion of education and eradication of illiteracy, the Cathy Life Builder Foundation provides:


  • Skill acquisition for youths and prison inmates in different local government areas.
  • Scholarship to orphans/poor children from primary to secondary school level.

Efforts to combat poverty include:

  • Leading visitations to poor women, children, youth and the aged in their homes and communities.
  • Empowering single mothers to be able to care for their immediate families.
  • General assistance to the poor.