The overall well-being of youths has sharply declined in the last few years and the chances that these youths might be prone to criminal activities and tend for the worse have even become more than doubled and of course a course of worry for parents, the society and the nation at large.
Youths, the future of the nation and the driving force of tomorrow wills more than ever to lay down her own quota to the development of the nation but typically and ever so unfortunate it has become that the hopes of these young lads always are dashed to shreds.
Looking at the plurality of labor market, financial and unemployment challenges that young people face, one could expect that national policies should address the long-term problems of young people and that the crisis should act as a facilitator in this respect.
For these unfortunate incidences to be forever forgotten, forsaken and never re-visited at least not in this part of the world again made HillCity Foundation compelled to take action, believing that every young person needs hope, love, care, direction, motivation and support, in order to discover, develop and deploy their potentials maximally. Founded on infallible principles of life in the year 2004, HCF envisions to discover, develop and deploy young destinies to enable them to fulfill their potentials in life maximally.
Soares Oladamola, The Executive Administrator of HillCity foundation said that the foundation particularly aims to discover, develop and deploy young destinies to fulfil their purpose in life even amidst all the challenges of life. This is achieved through carefully designed programmes as captured as 4 AXIS OF IMPACT which are: educational support programme, mentorship programme, self-discovery and personal development programme and economic empowerment programme.
Through the Educational Support Programme, HCF supports young university undergraduates through an annual scholarship scheme. The mentorship programme seeks to discover, recover and maximize the destinies of young lives. While the self-discovery and personal development programme wills to assist young lives to discover, develop and deploy their potentials. The last axe which is economic empowerment programme also seeks to empower young lives by assisting young graduates to start-up business by empowering them with start-up capital.
Mr. Soares Oladamola, with a gladsome heart affirmed the achievements of HCF, that from inception till date, said the foundation has been able to award over 500 University Scholarships through the educational support programme, Over 600 mentees have gone through the HCF Mentorship Programme, the foundation has also been able to organize several self-discovery seminars on the platform of the Self Discovery programme and the foundation also organized several self-discovery seminars on the platform of the Self Discovery Programme which has received lots of laudable ovation from the declared testimonies.
“Overall, it seems that younger generations indeed face several systematic issues more than previous generations, but adequate individual, family and state support are still largely lacking. Hopefully the society and the government do not realize it when it is late that in order to maintain a well-functioning economy and society, younger generations need a firm footing in the job market and all other areas of the economy with ample stability” concluded Mr. Oladamola