A child without education is like a bird without wings, and education, they say is the bedrock of any nation and its youth, the future. Education which is also fundamental to development and growth is no doubt one of the best things that have ever happened to mankind.
This shield and sword Chike International Foundation viewed and deemed fit to pass across to the teeming youths in the community believing that it would give a better tomorrow for them, their families and the society at large.
With the motto: ‘the voice of the unheard’, Chike International Foundation is focused on wiping out the inhuman and unjust treatment of women, children, and youths in the society. Some of these unjust treatments have been seen to have resulted in unusual and unruly behavior amongst the youth. The women are not left out either, their untold hardship, punishments and sufferings especially the widows cum the high mortality rate of children distinctively gave rise to this foundation.
In 2007, Apollos Elendu Chike and Florence Chike who are a down to earth Christian couple and pastors a church together with a group in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria found it needful to embark on this journey of rising to the plight of the less privileged in their community and ensuring that hope is restored to them.
Some of their visions include: educating the children up to nursery, primary and secondary school level, improving the living condition of people on skill development and self-help, to form and facilitate women development empowerment skills, promoting health programmes for women and children, providing housing for the homeless and to arrange and give micro-credit for restoration of livelihood, together with their mission; which are to protect women from sexual exploitation and trafficking and to prevent them from contracting HIV/AIDS and other diseases.
In the heart of the city of PortHarcourt, Chike International Foundation so far has been able to make their impacts felt in their own little way. Parts of their achievements include computer training education, children and women development programmes, rehabilitation programmes, free education for the orphans and the physically challenged and regular widows’ meetings where cloths and food items are provided for them.
As a humanitarian organization, the founders lament over very tight finances which has been a major constraint from fulfilling most of their planned projects, but again a promise which has been made to render service to humanity is not about to be broken instead the foundation reaffirmed and reassured the less privileged that the foundation will forever remain true to this course.
It is on this note of credibility, a whole lot of impacts and love for humanity and most especially to the youths in whom they have a strong and an unshaken belief that in them lies unwavering greatness that will transform the face of this nation, the foundation vows to ride on with the selfless service.