The lifeline project is a six-month project supported by the CIVIC and the main objective of this project is to enabling a more favorable working environment for the civil society in Nigeria by the killing the Bill 585 which is the most recent possible restriction to freedom of association in Nigeria.
The Grassroot civil society were reached to join the camping of killing the bill through sending letter to their representative at the National Assembly. The letter stating the achievement of their NGOs so far and the negative impact of additional regulatory framework on the sector as a whole. A draft of the letter was sent as a sample letter to them.
As part of the activity of the lifeline project there was a workshop held in Lagos with 78 participants from 11 states of the country and one participant from the United Stated of America. The workshop which was tagged Trending policies in Nigeria Nonprofits sector while focusing on ways to ensure the development and sustainability of the sector. It was an engaging workshop which participant were fully involved.
The following documents were published, they are as follows;
- How NGOs are regulated in Nigeria?, Nonprofit Regulatory Trends , Background on the non-profits sector, What we heard on the NGO Bill, and Shadow Report Public Hearing on Bill 585.
- In the continuation of the campaign the letter and also the information pack about the existing framework of the were sent to our donors, the Committee Chair of the National assembly, Elder state Men the letter which stated the reason why they should join our campaign.
- Letters were sent to the National Assembly to help join in the campaigns to inform the legislators on the benefits of nonprofits and why they should support our call for the ‘death’ of bill 585.
- Series of info-graphics, posts and pictures were developed to drive home the point and justifications for standing down bill 585. Those infographics were posted on the Network’s website. Some of the legislature responded to our letter by saying that our campaign would be look into.
- In conclusion, the lifeline project has been explosive through the illumination that has been to the civil society sector debunking the assumption of people.