Profiling DFRHCE on World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

Located in the heart of Olodi Apapa, Lagos, Nigeria, Dako Foundation for Rural Healthcare and Education (DFRHCE) is a humanitarian organisation established in 2008 and focused on improving the living conditions of disadvantaged communities in Nigeria through advocacy, education, public health measures and direct medical interventions. DAKO’s target groups include, under 5 children, women of reproductive ages, youths, People with Disabilities, People Living with HIV/AIDS and the society at large.


The Foundation’s works cut across Lagos, Edo and Imo States of Nigeria with relentless focus on rural and extremely hard to reach areas. Some of the projects implemented by DAKO foundation include:


  • Ibienafe’s School Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Project:

At Ibienafe community, South-Ibie, Edo State, Nigeria, Igebo primary school and Ibienafe community secondary school,  were most fortunate to be beneficiaries of the Information and Communication Technology project which championed the donation of ICT tools to the two community schools. Through this project, hundreds of students in Ibienafe, South-Ibie, Edo State are now computer literates while about ten primary and five secondary schools in adjourning six communities would also ultimately benefit from the laudable ICT project.

Facilities provided:

– 7 desktop computers with accessories.

– Computer desks and chairs for students.

– 5000-watt century stabilizer

– 5KVA generator for power.

–  A trained resident ICT tutor

–  Quarterly technical maintenance.

  • Biomedical HIV programmes

As part of efforts to achieve the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) on the 90–90–90 targets aimed at diagnosing 90% of all HIV-positive persons, provide antiretroviral therapy (ART) for 90% of those diagnosed and achieve viral suppression for 90% of those treated by 2020,  DAKO foundation has through a line up of activities ensured the implementation and realization of this goal in Lagos and Edo States.

Activities Include:

–  HIV Counselling and Testing

–  Referrals and contact tracing for Positive individuals

–  Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials on HIV/AIDS

– Condom (Male and Female) demonstrations and distribution

– Advocacy on HIV prevention.

  • Medical Missions/Outreaches

General health sensitization, medical consultations and treatments, referrals/follow up, free drugs, free eye checks and glasses, vitamin A supplementation and deworming (chewable albendazole) for school children, provision of Insecticide Treated Nets, referrals and medical procedures particularly for cases requiring surgery are also part of activities embarked upon by Dako Foundation in recent times. These activities have reached well over 10,000 rural dwellers in Lagos, Edo and Imo states.


In the process, there was a record of 90 dewormed children: 90 free eye glasses; 273 general treatments; 38 distributed water treatment units; 2 distributed wheel chairs and a clutch.

  • Post Flood Disaster Intervention for Victims of Flood

The aim of this outreach which reached over 5,132 people was to alleviate the pains inflicted on flood-ravaged areas of Anegbette, Osomegbe and EkperiUdaba, Etsako Central Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria.


Impacts: Distributed antifungal drugs; Distributed easy to use water sanitizing units with storage; Distributed food items;Distributed clothes to community dwellers; Distributed lifesaving prenatal and post-natal multivitamin supplements to pregnant and lactating women; Vitamin A supplementation for children; Medical consultation, prescription and treatment of local prevailing diseases.

  • Free Medical Surgery

During a medical mission in Edo State, Nigeria in 2016, DFRHCE came across little Amira aged 18 months who was born with brain tumor. For four years now, Amira has been under direct sponsorship by DFRHCE with free medical care at Dako Medical Centre, Lagos, Nigeria. So far, two surgeries have been done on Amira. The first surgery was conducted in the Emirates with the aim of removing the brain tumor followed by a second surgery carried out in Nigeria to repair Cleft palate and Cleft lip.

  • Water Project

An estimated 13,000 people were reached at the construction of a 40 feet high scaffolding to carry 10,000 liters of water reservoir with underground water extension pipes and taps in two communities(Iyerekhu, South –Ibie) Edo State, Nigeria.

Profiling Arms of Comfort Foundation

As citizens’ plights increasingly escalate every day with perpetual groans, dismay, discomfort and zero hope, Arms of Comfort Foundation with focus on economic empowerment, rehabilitates and provides educational opportunities to the poor, especially women and children who were made vulnerable through various situations and circumstances in both urban and rural areas.


The president of the foundation Mrs. Toyin Atilolari Afolabi and The Executive Director Mr. Kolawole Afolabi envisioned that every woman and child’s need should and must be met by all means. Thus, the organisation was established in 2016 with a focus on combating societal struggles through the angle of economic and religious aid.


In ensuring that benevolence sees the light of day, AOCF makes certain that comfort reaches the poor, especially women and children in the society through provision  of educational opportunities, provision of micro credits, skill acquisition, scholarships, upkeep programmes as well as counselling and rehabilitation with a strong operational presence in Lagos and Ogun states.


In addition to various societal impacts, about seventeen communities in Lagos State are involved in the implementation of ACCORD (Assistance and Care for Children Orphaned and at Risk) a project, sponsored by USAID through Hope Worldwide Nigeria from January 2011 to July 2013. Within this period, the foundation was able to serve a total of 7,522 vulnerable children from 2387 households.


Facilitating Kids Club meetings in 42 and 24 communities of Kosofe and Apapa LGAs respectively, a total of 42 Kids Club meetings which include Adolescent Girls Club are currently run in 14 wards of Kosofe and 24 Clubs in 4 wards of Apapa LGAs every month since June 2015 (Kosofe) and March 2016 in Apapa. In building life skills for these children, various themes are always treated by community volunteers and program officers during the programs.


Meanwhile, since January 2015, AOCF has been involved in a life changing project (LOCAL PARTNERS ON ORPHANS AND VULNERABLE CHILDREN IN NIGERIA)- LOPIN, a project also sponsored by USAID through Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH)which is currently implemented in Kosofe LGA, Lagos State. The project is meant to run for five years.


Today, over seven thousand persons already give resounding testimonies on the great graces they have benefited from ARMS OF COMFORT FOUNDATION, a foundation that has given them true identity and a will to survive.

Profiling Neighborhood Environment Watch (NEW) Foundation

Contributing to the reduction of disease burdens such as Malaria, Viral Hepatitis and HIV/AIDs through advocacy and free medicals; Holding governments and large corporations accountable on utilization of public wealth; Promoting human, environmental health and sustainable land management; Building capacities and voices of mining impacted communities so they can be aware of their rights and safeguard their environmental resources and Promoting access to water, sanitation and hygiene practices. These and more are the objectives of Neighborhood Environment Watch Foundation(NEW), a humanitarian foundation established towards social responsibility and community development in Nigeria.


With thematic functions directed towards climate change & sustainable land management, smart and sustainable agriculture and livelihood initiatives cum good governance, NEW Foundation advocates, educates and builds skills for the vulnerable such as the women, children and youths to create values and sustainable programs with a focus on impacts that are economically and developmentally driven.


Some of Neighborhood Environment Watch Foundation Projects-Driven Initiatives are:


*Reforestation of 80 Hectares of Degraded lands at Enyigba/Edda communities inAbakaliki LGA, Ebonyi State.

*30,000 planted tree seedlings.

*2000 trained community farmers on Smart agro-forestry.

*Trained youths on tree nursery operation.

*Various tree- seedlings for over 5000 community members for household farming.

*Knowledge Management/Documentations: Several projects have been documented and showcased in this focal point with a publication on one of the projects “Local Solutions to Global Challenges” to this effect.


*ANTI-CORRUPTION, BUDGET MONITORING & GOOD GOVERNANCE: Capacity Building Training on Budget Processes in Anambra South Senatorial District.About 105 persons from various LGAs in Anambra South Senatorial District were trained on budget processes (monitoring and tracking) at the grassroots.


*HEALTHY LIVING: Comprehensive HIV Prevention and Behavioral Change Interventions in Ebonyi State. Over 6585 persons were reached with HIV prevention interventions using the MPPI while 138 Peer Educators were trained to facilitate peer training/sessions,



Profiling Cathy Life Builder Foundation

The Cathy Life Builder Foundation is a humanitarian organisation which believes that humans as special species rely on love, care and attention. They therefore dedicated their time, resources and efforts o ensuring that the underprivileged in the society survive, thrive and have some sort of sense of belonging. The Cathy Life Builder Foundation promises to continue in the spirit of service to humanity by paying attention to what matters most particularly in areas that are neglected and left behind while covering three states of the Federation – Plateau, Kogi and Benue states.  


Some of their areas of focus include


  • Provision of support to families with sickle cell disorder.
  • Raising awareness on the need to “save the next generation”, “suffer not the innocent children in schools, prisons and orphanages”.
  • Providing sensitization and encouraging genotype testing
  • Sensitization on malaria prevention
  • Provision of counseling services.

 In the area of gender concerns, the Cathy Life Builder Foundation works on:


  • Advocacy for the girl child on issues relating to teenage and unplanned pregnancy, early marriage and the dangers of abortion.
  • Assisting single mothers by empowering them on various skill acquisition and small scale businesses.
  • Raising awareness on dangers of drug abuse.

In the area of promotion of education and eradication of illiteracy, the Cathy Life Builder Foundation provides:


  • Skill acquisition for youths and prison inmates in different local government areas.
  • Scholarship to orphans/poor children from primary to secondary school level.

Efforts to combat poverty include:

  • Leading visitations to poor women, children, youth and the aged in their homes and communities.
  • Empowering single mothers to be able to care for their immediate families.
  • General assistance to the poor.

The Nigeria Network of NGOs (NNNGO) is the first generic membership body for civil society organisations in Nigeria that facilitates effective advocacy on issues of poverty and other developmental issues. Established in 1992, NNNGO represents over 3495 organisations ranging from small groups working

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Plot 3 Sobanjo avenue, Idi-ishin Jericho Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria.

15 Ramat Crescent, Ogudu GRA, Lagos, Nlgeria 


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