CALL FOR CONSULTANCY @ Regional research on political, social, and economic contributions and reimagining role of civil society organisations in West Africa

Type of contract External researchĀ  Ā — consultancy
ContractorĀ  —Ā  West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI)
Project Title —Ā  Contribution of Civil society Organisations in West Africa to the social, economic, and political development of the region

PublishedĀ  – date March 2022
Deadline for submissionĀ  – 18 April 2022
Start date of the projectĀ  – April 2022
End of projectĀ  – 31 August 2022

WACSI is a civil society organisation established by the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) in 2005 to reinforce the capacities of civil society in the sub-region towards a peaceful and prosperous West Africa where development is driven by its people. The Institute seeks to strengthen civil society in West Africa to be responsive, collaborative, representative, resilient and influential through knowledge sharing, learning, connecting and influencing.


WACSI operates in the fifteen ECOWAS member states, including Cameroon, Mauritania, and Chad. The Institute has been at the forefront of championing the contribution of civil society organisations towards the regionā€™s development.

Summary of services required
WACSI wishes to hire a consultant to conduct regional research on the contribution of civil society organisations to the economic, social, and political development of West Africa. The research should further explore what innovative role(s) civil society can play to accelerate the social, economic and political development of the sub-region. Output from this research will be used for further regional engagements with civil society in the region to sharpen their strategic engagements in priority areas that require civil societyā€™s indispensable contributions.

West Africa has undergone different development patterns, many driven by civil society organisations (CSOs) within and out of the region. With the increasing number of registered and unregistered CSOs, the region has witnessed improvements in conflict prevention and management, fiscal transparency, trade, elections, regional integration, humanitarian crisis management, disaster management, etc. These are key indicators for socio-political and economic development. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the world saw a bold move from CSOs advocating, influencing policies and playing a frontline role in the fight against the deadly virus while keeping the government in check.

Although it is generally accepted that the West African region needs a sustainable development agenda and implementation plan, it is unsettled whether civil society is the appropriate vehicle to drive such development (Obadare, 2015). However, one may not blame the origin of this assertion since many CSOs are also characterised by corruption and sometimes used as a strategy for tax evasion, money laundering, syphoning of money, etc.

For these reasons and many more, CSOsā€™ ā€˜civilityā€™ and the effectiveness of their contribution to economic and political development in West Africa ā€“ and Africa at large ā€“ are often questioned (Makuwira, 2016). Often, there are no identifiable or clear-cut CSO-driven development initiatives that continuously impact while ensuring fairness and equity to beneficiaries. This is not to say that these CSOs do not exist. They exist, but there is no mechanism or framework to identify them and track their impacts.

CSOs play an important role in bridging the gap between the government and the citizenry while giving people the opportunity to participate in developing policies that affect them (Loada & Moderan, 2015). Undoubtedly, CSOs have an important value and contribution to development, although this might seemingly not be too evident. The reason for this is not farfetched. Many CSOs consist of social movements which are largely informal and often lack adequate financial resources to champion agendas of their own. Furthermore, some do not have robust systems and infrastructures in place to document and publicise their activities. There is also a gap in academic/market-based research that seeks to highlight the contributions of CSOs to development in the region. Although some toolkits,2 reports,3 articles, etc., have been published on this topic by different institutions, many of these papers only state the retrospective role of CSOs in development in West Africa. As a result, there is limited definite or substantial documentation on the contribution of civil society in the region.

Against this backdrop, this research serves as a timely intervention for highlighting the added value of CSOs to the development landscape in West Africa. Specifically, the research will examine the extent of CSOsā€™ socio-political and economic contribution to development in West Africa in recent years and their reimagining role

This research aims to document the extent to which CSOs have influenced (contributed to) social, political and economic development in West Africa and the innovative roles they can uphold to realise such in West Africa.


  1. To identify the economic contributions of civil society organisations in West Africa
  2. To identify the social and political contribution of civil society organisations in West Africa
  3. To define and document the role the civil society sector in West Africa can play towards the sustainable development of the sub-region

The study envisions employing mixed research methods that include quantitative and qualitative approaches. This will entail: a review of the literature, a desk review of secondary data, a survey, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions. The research will be conducted in English and French throughout West Africa. The study samples will be representative of the various types of civil society organisations in the sub-region.

Scope of work
The consultant will be required to lead on the following tasks in consultation with WACSI.

  • Framing and understanding of the research scope.
  • Developing research approach for approval by WACSI.
  • Conducting literature review.
  • Designing research instruments for approval by WACSI.
  • Collecting data and analysing the data.
  • Developing research report and submission of the initial draft for review and feedback.
  • Presentation of initial findings from the research to WACSI.
  • Reviewing and submitting the final research report.
  • Leading an information session with a broad-based pool of development stakeholders

in West Africa on the research findings. An appropriate date for this will be agreed upon by both the researchers and WACSI and could be organised on an agreed date after August 2022.

The consultant will deliver the following outputs
ā€¢ Inception report
ā€¢ Data collection tools
ā€¢ Draft report
ā€¢ PowerPoint presentation
ā€¢ Final report
ā€¢ Delivery of cleaned data sets (in SPSS or Excel, interview transcripts; and the Syntaxes in Word) from the administration of quantitative questionnaires
ā€¢ Delivery of summarised qualitative data from administered qualitative interview protocols

Application process
ā€¢ The consultant should submit a technical proposal and budget demonstrating
understanding of the scope of work and detailed methodology for the study (maximum of five pages using Georgia font size 11 and single line spacing).
ā€¢ The proposal should include timelines and the roles and capacity of the research team.
ā€¢ The timeline should detail the workflow from the project start date to the end date.
ā€¢ The proposal budget should have sufficient details to allow for the evaluation of elements of costs proposed. Budgets should be submitted in United States dollars and include the cost breakdown per deliverable. Applicants should also indicate the inclusion of a 7.5% VAT on the budget.
ā€¢ Submit samples of previous research work conducted.
ā€¢ Submit CVs of principal researchers.
ā€¢ Full proposal document (technical proposal and budget) should be submitted to, cc, by 11 April 2022.

Composition and responsibilities of the consultant
The consultant will lead the study and will be supported by the programmes team at WACSI.
Qualification of the consultant
ā€¢ The consultant should have a research team that includes the principal researcher and research assistants.
ā€¢ The consultant must demonstrate ability and experience in conducting socio-economic surveys in West Africa.
ā€¢ The consultant must have the required human and logistical (computers etc.) ability to undertake the exercise.
ā€¢ Experience in qualitative and quantitative research methods.
ā€¢ Excellent analytical and report writing skills.
ā€¢ Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, including the ability to facilitate FGDs, conduct expert interviews and work in a multidisciplinary team.
ā€¢ Knowledgeable about the development landscape in West Africa particularly from civil society perspectives.
ā€¢ Have an extensive understanding of the civil society sector in West Africa.

Selection of consultant
The selection committee will evaluate the application based on their written technical proposal and budget. In addition, the selection committee will grade the applications based on the consultant and research teamā€™s demonstrated capabilities and technical experience in the following:
ā€¢ Previous experience in conducting similar studies.
ā€¢ Experience in qualitative and quantitative research methods.
ā€¢ Knowledgeable in the civil society sector.
ā€¢ Excellent analytical and report writing skills.
ā€¢ Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, including the ability to facilitate focus group discussions (FGDs), conduct expert interviews and work in a multidisciplinary team.
ā€¢ Experience working in the anglophone and francophone West African context.
ā€¢ Working knowledge in French is an advantage.

Head of Procurement Governance at a Citizen Sector Organization with Headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria

Head of Procurement Governance at a Citizen Sector Organization with Headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria

Location: Abuja, NG
Reporting to: Chief Executive Officer

Key Objective
To oversee impactful delivery of the organizationā€™s programs, through effective planning, administration, monitoring and evaluation of public procurement governance programs in line with the organizationā€™s mandate.

Main Duties & Responsibilities
Programs & Portfolio Management
o Develop the organizationā€™s Public Procurement Governance (PPG) Program Plan, incorporating existing public information disclosure portals based on the Open Contracting Data Standards, Freedom of Information, public procurement, and contract implementation monitoring.
o Develop implementation plans for PPG within the framework of the Program Plan.
o Develop PPGā€™s fundraising plan.
o Ensure the implementation of the above-referenced strategy/fundraising plans.
o Ensure the expansion of PPGā€™s current programming offering and also institute plans to enhance the quality of existing programs.
o Ensure every Procurement Governance project/programme has its monitoring, expenditure and evaluation plan.

Leadership and Management
o Ensure the development and implementation of annual departmental targets and assess program officers on the achievements of the targets.
o Develop, update and orient program staff to the organizationā€™s project cycle management including programme procedures and reporting mechanisms.
o Oversee the programs department to ensure targets are met and ensure employee well-being.
o Develop and recommend an annual training/capacity building plan based on programmatic priorities.
o Supervise direct reports.
o Ensure departmental budget is submitted within given timelines.
o Ensure cost efficiency in the department in line with the organizationā€™s financial strategy/plans.

Qualifications and Skills
ā€¢ A Bachelorā€™s degree in Business administration, Public Administration, Law, Management or related field.
ā€¢ A Masterā€™s will be an added advantage.
ā€¢ 8 yearsā€™ experience, of which three (3) should be in a managerial position and at least two (2) in grant management position.
ā€¢ Experience undergoing external program performance evaluations.
ā€¢ Proficiency in grant writing and management, networking, program development, program management.
ā€¢ Experience managing programs funded by a diversity of sources including, aid agencies, private sector donors and individual benefactors will be an advantage.
ā€¢ Experience, knowledge and understanding of OGP, OCDS Standards and public procurement will also be an advantage.

To apply, please click this link:

Application closes by April 26, 2022.

Head of Communication at a Citizen Sector Organization with Headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria

Head of Communication


Location: Abuja, NG
Reporting to: Chief Executive Officer


Key Objective
To ensure the stakeholders are positively disposed to the organization at all times and are well-positioned to act on the organizationā€™s behalf.


Main Duties & Responsibilities

Strategic Communications
o Develop, update and oversee the implementation of the organizationā€™s communication and stakeholder management strategy.
o Support respective departments to communicate effectively with their stakeholders.
o Manage media relations through the development of a media contact list and a positive professional relationship with various members of the media.
o Perform organizational risks and threats analysis and develop strategies to address negative or damaging information about the organization.
o Project a positive organizational image to the public.
o Deploy the most effective communication materials and channels in implementing communication strategies for programs, events, and promotions.



Leadership and Management
o Oversee the Communications Department to ensure targets are met.
o Supervise direct reports and ensure the well-being of the departmentā€™s staff.
o Ensure departmental budget is submitted within given timelines.
o Ensure cost efficiency in the department in line with the organizationā€™s financial strategy/plans.


Qualifications and Skills
ā€¢ A Bachelorā€™s degree in communication, social sciences or business.
ā€¢ A Masterā€™s degree will be an added advantage.
ā€¢ 8 yearsā€™ cognate experience of which three (3) should be in a managerial position and five (5) in communication management.
ā€¢ Proficiency in social media management and strategic communications
ā€¢ Experience in a media communications company will be an advantage.
ā€¢ Deep networks in the media will also be an advantage.


To apply, please click this link:

Application closes by April 26, 2022.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at a Citizen Sector Organization with Headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria

Application deadline EXTENDED to 26th April 2022


The Client
The Client is a Nigerian citizens sector organization established in 2003, focused on improving citizensā€™ participation in governance and in promoting Open Government Partnerships. The organization is driven by the desire for a more transparent and accountable government, and citizens empowered to actively participate in governance processes.


The organizationā€™s vision is a society with its people fully empowered, realizing their full potentials and readily asserting the full measure of their citizenship under the most transparent and accountable governance possible.


The Client is currently repositioning herself to expand her service offerings and resource base.


As such, the organization seeks to recruit a new CEO as well as suitable candidates for other leadership positions. Prospects would be high-performing individuals who are passionate about the drive and vision of the organization. If you meet the requirements and are ready to grow in a vibrant and engaging work environment, please apply to the positions described below.


Job Ref 001: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Location: Abuja, NG
Reporting to: Board of Directors


Key Objective
To provide leadership for all aspects of the organizationā€™s operations.


Main Duties & Responsibilities

Leadership and Management
o Provide the Board of Directors with trusted feedback and advice.
o Provide a clear vision, strategic direction and purpose for organizationā€™s operations.
o Develop and maintain collaborative relationships and partnerships with stakeholders.
o Represent the organizationā€™s interests at all levels.
o Support respective departments to effectively perform their duties with their stakeholders.
o Positively contribute to the wider NNGO space and other stakeholders to reinforce the organizationā€™s values.
o Conduct self at all times and in a manner consistent with the code of conduct/values of the organization.
o Ensure the organization is in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and standards.
o Promote communication and cooperation among divisions to create a spirit of unity in the organization.
o Oversee the ongoing operations of all divisions in the organization.
o Manage and direct the organization toward achieving its primary goals and objectives.


Financial and Human Resources Management
o Develop high performing fundraising strategies.
o Ensure the organizationā€™s financial goals are defined and achieved.
o Ensure cost-efficiency and value-for-money in the use of the organizationā€™s resources
o Oversee employment decisions at the executive level of the organisation.
o Act as a role model to staff, drive team cohesion and manage succession.


Qualifications and Skills
ā€¢ First degree in law, finance, business, social sciences or related field. A Masterā€™s degree in a relevant field will be an added advantage.
ā€¢ 12 yearsā€™ cognate experience of which five (5) should be in a leadership position preferably in the development sector.
ā€¢ Extensive professional experience in:
ā€¢ The development sector
ā€¢ Fundraising
ā€¢ Strategic Management
ā€¢ Stakeholder Management
ā€¢ Advocacy
ā€¢ Excellent customer service, stakeholder relations, interpersonal, communication, and managerial skills.
ā€¢ A good understanding of OGP, OCDS standards and procurement is an added advantage.


To apply, please click this link:

Application closes by April 26, 2022.

Disability Inclusion Advisor, Inclusion Advisory Group – Nigeria Full time, Permanent

The Inclusion Advisory Group (IAG)
The Inclusion Advisory Group (IAG) is a global network of advisors, working in partnership with the Disability Movement on catalytic opportunities that have potential to spark broader, systemic change for inclusion. IAG is a key element of CBM Globalā€™s programming approach, alongside field programmes and advocacy work. We believe that tailored advice ā€“ communicated effectively, with the right people at the table ā€“ can help make inclusion a reality. IAG promote the implementation of a rights-based approach to disability in development and humanitarian action by supporting our clients to strengthen their policies, systems and capacities on key issues such as accessibility, reasonable accommodation, data, participation, awareness-raising, and the role of organisations of persons with disabilities (OPDs). IAG has provided tailored advice spanning from international and national policies and guidance to grassroots community development.


Our advice is tailored for specific contexts and framed and aligned with relevant international frameworks and evidence on human rights. Overall, IAG has provided advice for 15 years to mainstream development and humanitarian partners, including various donors, development banks, UN entities and programmes, and
nongovernment organisations, with this post supporting the early work in Nigeria. For more information about the work, our approach and impact of IAG please see the website.


CBM Global
Our Vision: an inclusive world in which all people with disabilities enjoy their human rights and achieve their full potential.


Our Mission: fighting to end the cycle of poverty and disability.


Our Values:
ā€¢ We champion inclusion
ā€¢ We strive for justice
ā€¢ We pursue excellence
ā€¢ We embrace partnership
ā€¢ We live with integrity


While the world has been making progress in tackling poverty, people with disabilities are being left behind. CBM Global works alongside people with disabilities in the worldā€™s poorest places to fight poverty and exclusion and
transform lives. Driven by Christian values, we seek out and work with the most marginalised in society, irrespective of race, gender or religion, recognising the equal worth of every individual.


Drawing on over 100 yearsā€™ experience and world-leading expertise in disability inclusive community development and humanitarian action, inclusive eye healthĀ  and community mental health, CBM Global works with partners to break the cycle of poverty and disability and build inclusive communities. Our programmes across Africa, Asia and Latin America are developed and delivered with local partner organisations to ensure long-term transformation and accountability in communities we serve. Weā€™re deeply committed to the principle of ā€œnothing about us without usā€, and we therefore work closely with and support organisations of people with disabilities.


CBM Global is made up of CBM Australia, CBM Ireland, CBM Kenya, CBM New Zealand, CBM Switzerland, and CBM UK with programmes worldwide and Country Offices in Philippines, Bangladesh, Laos, Nepal, Indonesia, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Madagascar and Bolivia. CBM Global works in over 20 countries, maximising our impact through long-term, authentic partnership and a coordinated mix of inclusive community-based programmes, local to global advocacy and delivering inclusion advice to other organisations. We draw on learning and evidence from our community work to inform our advocacy hand-in-hand with the Disability Movement at local, national and international levels, including with the UN, to achieve systemic change for people
with disabilities. Via our Inclusion Advisory Group, we advise governments, UN bodies and other organisations on how to ensure inclusion in their own organisations, policies and programmes to further amplify our impact.


The Role
Disability Inclusion Advisor, Inclusion Advisory Group – Nigeria Full time


Reports to:
The Disability Inclusion Advisor will report for management purposes to the Country Programme Manager of CBM Globalā€™s Nigeria Country Office. The Disability Inclusion Advisor is a member of a network of advisors across CBM
Global called the Inclusion Advisory Group (IAG). As such the postholder will besupported by the wider IAG as well as by the specific Nigeria focal point within the global IAG team who will provide technical oversight and mentoring through a dotted reporting line.


Job Overview
CBM Global has extensive experience in providing inclusion advice to others through our IAG. The IAG is a global network of Advisory teams who deliver advice in collaboration with the Disability Movement and associate advisors. Inclusion Advisory work is one key means through which CBM Global seeks to achieve its
programme objectives.


This Disability Inclusion Advisor will work with the country team, with support from the wider IAG where relevant, to grow Advisory work in Nigeria and may contribute to Advisory work and learning across the wider IAG. The Disability Inclusion Advisor will be responsible for setting the direction of our work, developing relationships
with Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) and other delivery partners, as well as growing a body of Advisory work, and delivering on it within the framework of the Country Strategy Paper (CSP).


This position is based in Abuja, Nigeria.
We only offer local contracts for people with residence in Nigeria.
This position requires travelling within Nigeria and internationally on a frequent basis.


Hours: The role is full time.
Salary range: The salary offered will be determined based on skills and experience. We offer a local contract.


Responsibilities and Duties
ā€¢ Develop and/or refine the Nigeria Country Office Advisory strategy, adjusting over time as needed;
ā€¢ Develop and/or maintain excellent relationships with the Disability Movement, with clear understanding of how to ensure that collaboration on Advisory is constructive and complementary;
ā€¢ Represent the Nigeria team within the wider IAG network;
ā€¢ Scope out Advisory opportunities in Nigeria;
ā€¢ Provide advice to clients, collaborating and coordinating with agreed delivery partners, including representatives from the Disability Movement;
ā€¢ Engage in continuous learning and upskilling and contribute through sharing learning as is required for Advisory work;
ā€¢ Tracking and documenting disability inclusion components of Nigeria Country Office field programmes
ā€¢ Perform any other tasks as may be assigned the Country Programme Manager and or Senior Management Team


Key outcomes expected from this role
ā€¢ Advisory strategy developed, documented, and adjusted as needed
ā€¢ Mutually beneficial relationships developed with OPDs in relation to Advisory
ā€¢ IAG and Nigeria country team is well represented within local development and humanitarian networks
ā€¢ Nigeria is well represented and participates in the global IAG, including accessing support and participating in peer review and other peer learning and quality processes
ā€¢ New opportunities for Advisory work generated and delivered on at high quality


What you will bring to the role:
All of the following requirements are essential, unless marked with a * when they are desirable, and will be assessed from a combination of information provided from the application form and interview process.
CBM Global welcomes applicants from diverse backgrounds and people with lived experience of disability.


ā€¢ Experience in design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of human rights-based development and/or humanitarian programs and policies, preferably including experience working on disability inclusive programs and
ā€¢ Understanding of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its application to country policies and programs
ā€¢ Experience providing advice to other organisations*
ā€¢ Demonstrated training and capacity development skills and experience
ā€¢ Strong networks with the Disability Movement*



Skills/competencies/personal qualities
ā€¢ A willingness to contribute to the growth and development of CBM Global, and the Inclusion Advisory Group
ā€¢ Ability to manage shifting workloads and priorities and deliver high quality work on time
ā€¢ Excellent communication skills (written and spoken), including the ability to adapt pitch, style, and content of messages for different audiences, and to communicate in an inclusive manner
ā€¢ Excellent interpersonal skills with ability to develop and maintain networks of communication with a range of stakeholders
ā€¢ Ability to work as a member of a team, as well as the ability to work in a self-directed manner
ā€¢ Strategic thinking and creativity


ā€¢ Academic or demonstrated applied background in humanitarian and/or development studies, disability studies, social science or other relevant qualifications. Post graduate qualifications in the above is an advantage but
not essential.


Employee Benefits
ā€¢ We offer flexible working options depending on location and choice, including office, hybrid and potentially working from home options.
ā€¢ As part of its commitment to its work with people with disabilities, CBM Global aims to successfully employ and retain people with disabilities and welcomes people with diverse backgrounds. We have a comprehensive
equality and diversity policy.


Shortlisting and Interviews
CBM Global is an equal opportunities employer, committed to ensuring all applications are treated fairly.
All applications are subject to our shortlisting process; if you are shortlisted we will contact you and invite you to attend an online interview. You will also be advised at this point if there will be any skills or tasks to complete as part of the recruitment process.


Diversity Policy Statement
Our workplace promotes an inclusive and accessible environment that supports all staff to thrive, with provision of reasonable accommodation for employees with disabilities where needed.


We believe that the success of any organisation depends upon its people and their diverse abilities, skills, languages, cultures, and backgrounds. The greater diversity in the staffing of people with different lived experiences helps promote innovation, creativity, and smarter solutions to the constantly changing environments in which
we work.


Employment Checks
CBM Global is committed to the safety and best interest of all children and vulnerable adults accessing CBM Global supported services and programmes. Relevant background checks including working with children, police and reference checks will be completed prior to the preferred candidateā€™s employment being confirmed.


All applicants must have the right to work in the relevant country. All offers of employment are made subject to the following criteria: Proof of eligibility and satisfactory employment screening, and three references satisfactory to CBM Global.


How to apply
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
More information about the Inclusion Advisory Group and CBM Global Disability Inclusion can be found by visiting the IAG website here, and the CBM Global Website here.


Closing date: Wednesday 18th May 09:00 UK BST


To apply for this role as a permanent employee:
1. You must be a citizen of Nigeria or have the right to work and live in Nigeria.
We do not offer an expatriate contract for this role.
2. Please download and complete the Application Form here Nigeria: Disability Inclusion Advisor, Inclusion Advisory Group | CBM Global (
There is space on the Application Form to include a cover letter, so there is no need to provide a separate letter. Please make sure that you provide specific examples where you meet the essential criteria outlined in the
Person Specification, either here or on your CV.

3. Send along with your Curriculum Vitae (no more than two pages) to by the closing date.

4. In the subject header of your email it would be helpful if you could add your name and the role title for which you are applying; ā€˜Disability Inclusion Advisor, IAG – Nigeriaā€™.

5. Informal enquiries are also welcome to the above email address.

Next steps
Many of our roles advertised attract large numbers of applicants, and we may not be able to respond to everyone that applies. If we have not been in touch with you within three weeks of the closing date, it is likely that on this occasion we have shortlisted other candidates who meet the criteria more fully. We do thank you for your application and your interest in working with CBM Global. Please feel free to apply again in the future for other suitable roles.
We very much look forward to receiving your application.

The Open Society Foundations (OSF)-Africa CALL FOR PROPOSALS

The Open Society Foundations (OSF)-Africa CALL FOR PROPOSALS

OSF works globally to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of all people. OSFā€™s work is committed to Expression, Justice and Equity, with cross-cutting work around climate and intersectional justice. OSF-Africa seeks to advance similar priorities on the continent, rooted in and framed from an African perspective to meet present-day, interconnected challenges to open society.Vision:
An integrated, vibrant, self-respecting and globally-respected Africa, characterized by democratic governance, sustainable development and economic systems that deliver more just, inclusive and accountable outcomes with and for the people and the environment in Africa. 

To advance gender justice and womenā€™s rights, deepen democracy, accountable governance and inclusive development in Africa through participatory and strategic grantmaking and advocacy.


OSF-Africa supports innovative interventions with effective strategies that respond to the broader deep-seated political, justice and socio-economic roadblocks to open society in Africa. In addition to the tools of grant making, research and advocacy, we seek to seize new opportunities and deploy novel tools such as arts and culture, technology, strategic litigation and impact investment to address open society challenges.


OSF-Africaā€™s priority countries are Angola, Cameroon, Chad, Cote dā€™Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Eswatini, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. OSF-Africa is now seeking proposals from these countries under the following strategic pillars (NB: Pan-African and sub-regional proposals are also welcome):


  • Resisting the capture of democratic processes and institutions
  • Resisting the capture of electoral processes and institutions
  • Promoting access to information, digital rights and independent media
  • Promoting arts and culture
  • Supporting human rights defenders (HRDs)


  • Supporting civilian oversight of and an accountable security sector
  • Supporting narrative change around insecurity and terrorism
  • Advancing the security and safety for women and girls and sexual and gender minorities, including in conflict areas


  • Promoting institutional transformation and renewal
  • Strengthening national, regional and continental human rights and legal accountability mechanisms
  • Challenging corporate power as relates to capture
  • Supporting and strengthening broad-based intersectional human rights and accountability movements


  • Supporting access to justice and the rights of the marginalized
  • Addressing inequality through policies and practice
  • Supporting enablers and catalytic economic reforms
  • Working towards fair global climate governance and justice


  • Strengthening intersectional feminist knowledge production and uptake
  • Supporting intersectional feminist movements
  • Strengthening the field to anchor the work of the other pillars
  • Positioning African womenā€™s rights globally


  • Re-invigorating pan-African civil society: decolonizing academia and research
  • Advancing African influence globally

The OSF-Africa strategy with more information about the strategic pillars and their objectives is availableĀ here.



OSF-Africa primarily awards grants to African organizations. OSF-Africa may provide funding to Africa-based international organizations committed to African leadership, voice and agency on exception. OSF-Africa can grant to public institutions as well as sub-regional and continental organizations. We may support work undertaken by unregistered movements and/or individuals. Interested organizations must submit, in PDF format, aĀ completed application proposal and budget (in English, French or Portuguese)Ā and other documents stipulated in the application form. Applications not submitted with all relevant documentation may be delayed.



Proposals should be sent via e-mail toĀĀ Proposals will be accepted until May 13, 2022. OSF-Africa encourages early submission of proposals. Proposals received after the due date will not be considered.

OSF-Africa receives thousands of proposals a year and the time required to review a proposal varies according to the complexity of the proposal. It may take three to six months from the time a proposal is received to the date a final decision is made. You will be advised accordingly.

The application documents are available below:

OSF Africa Proposal Submission

OSF Africa Project Budget Template

Senior Officer, Disaster Law at The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

Senior Officer, Disaster Law

Job Number: S01471
Location:Ā West Africa Country Cluster, Abuja
Contract Type: Employee
Duration: 6 months
Grade: Not applicable

Job Purpose

  • The purpose of this position is to support the management and implementation of the IFRCā€™s work on disaster law in the Africa Region in accordance with the Agenda for Renewal and the IFRC Disaster Law Operational Plan.
  • This position will also support the Disaster Law Coordinator for Africa in his/her activities in Advocacy, Training and Research.

Job Duties and Responsibilities

  • Support the implementation of the Disaster Law in line with the organisational strategy and the operational plan.
  • Support National Societies in understanding and developing legal advocacy strategies and the implementation thereof in the field of Disaster Law.
  • Undertake capacity building of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies on legal issues in disaster response through the conduct of trainings and workshops on disaster law and legislative advocacy.
  • Provide technical assistance on strengthening disaster law through National Societies to relevant authorities, through the implementation of country-level technical support projects.
  • Support National Societies in developing advocacy strategies, to support legislative advocacy processes.
  • Conduct periodic National Society project monitoring and evaluation on the scope and deliverables of the project
  • Support the development and implementation of regional advocacy and dissemination strategies on disaster law activities.
  • Promote improved understanding on the need for disaster law through social media engagement

Job Duties and Responsibilities (continued):

  • Support in the development, evaluation and piloting of Global Disaster Law Programme tools
  • Support in advocacy efforts on Programme Resolution and tools to be presented at the International Conference and other international fora
  • Engaging with International Organisations and RECs to develop strategy for sustainable and consistent engagement with National Societies, government agencies and regional organisations
  • Ensuring proper budget monitoring and efficient utilization of donor funds
  • Support in continued donor engagement globally through development of proposals, provision of updated status of implementation as well as timely reporting
  • Support in the conduct of global and regional research as required, through collating information on national society, government and UN agencies policies pertaining to relevant issues under research
  • Contribute to the development of DL Global strategy, action plan and activities plan and priorities annually


  • Bachelor of Laws
  • Advanced Degree (Masters or equivalent) in Law, International Relations, International Development, International Affairs, Political Science or related fields


  • At least 5 years of legal work experience in a related area is required
  • At least 3 years of experience in project management is required
  • At least 3 years of experience in advocacy is preferred
  • Experience in legal/academic writing and drafting is required
  • Experience in providing technical assistance in the development of legislation, including in developing countries is preferred
  • Experience within the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is preferred

Knowledge, Skills and Language:

  • Sound knowledge and understanding of international and national law and policy-making processes is required
  • Good understanding of disaster preparedness and management concepts is preferred
  • Good understanding of the global humanitarian system is preferred
  • Excellent communications skills, both verbal and written is required.

Competencies and Values:

  • National Society Relations
  • Results Focus & Accountability
  • Teamwork
  • Communications
  • Professional Mastery
  • Managerial Effectiveness

Method of Application

Be found by employers.Ā Sign up and complete your profile.


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_accordion style=”outline” color=”black” active_section=”1″][vc_tta_section title=”OVERVIEW” tab_id=”1654003682989-2c88b287-9c99″][vc_column_text]In recent years, grooming and equipping the next generation of leaders has become essential. There is a dearth of adequate leadership at the individual,
institutional and societal levels as well as the lack of intergenerational learning and documented best practices from successful leaders in the development sector. As West Africa strives to be the most stable socio-economic region in Africa, it needs avenues to develop and groom the next generation of thought leadersā€”not only for the public sector but also to saturate all fields of endeavour that contribute to the sustainability of development plans in the region.


Civil society in its watchdog role has a responsibility to set a progressive and visionary agenda in this regard. It is necessary to ensure that future leaders in West Africa have the tools and bases to document best practices in the region and help their communities to develop these practices.


Also, there is a huge gap in documentation of civil society praxis in West Africa. This calls for an urgent need for an indigenous knowledge production from civil society actors and researchers on development praxis in the region. Civil society has a crucial role to play in enabling young West Africans to benefit from a space that will enable them to develop a deeper understanding of civil society. This will enable them to hone their technical skills necessary to fully play their part in the leadership and development of good governance, a resilient and strong civil society in West Africa.


WACSI promote a homegrown Open Access and practitioner-oriented knowledge process. The aim is to enhance the accessibility, quality, quantity and visibility of original, peer-reviewed publications on civil society issues produced by civil society actors and researchers from West Africa or working in the region. The promotion of scientific work, in-depth reflection and policy analysis in the domain of civil society is essential to ensure the proper engagement, appropriation and implementation of the overall developmental objectives in West Africa.


In this regard, the West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI) has set up a fellowship programme to promote indigenous knowledge production on civil society in West Africa. This short-term fellowship (90-180 days) is an action-oriented initiative targeted at young researchers, particularly those enrolled in masterā€™s or PhD programmes. The programme aims to equip West African youth with the research and analytical skills they need to effectively engage with government, the private sector and the global community to improve good governance and sustainable development. In 2022, two young research fellows between the age brackets of 20-35 would be supported assist and develop publications on ongoing research on the social, economic and political contribution and the reimagining INGO role in West Africa.


The knowledge products that emanate from this fellowship would add value to the Instituteā€™s programmes and more broadly, to civil society social, economic and political contribution discourse and praxis across the globe.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”GOALS” tab_id=”1654003683003-bf910c73-1fe9″][vc_column_text]The goal of the research fellowship is to offer young researchers with the dire opportunities to document indigenous practices on civil society in West Africa.
This will be done by creating spaces for interaction between relevant Stakeholders, including decision-makers, development practitioners, CSO leaders and their constituents.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”SCOPE OF WORK” tab_id=”1654004104058-5e76998d-784a”][vc_column_text]Specific objectives of the research fellowship are to:

  • Identify and nurture early career academics who have demonstrated leadership potential and/or an interest in the development sector in West Africa.
  • Support fellows to apply the acquired skills to conduct research that is relevant to the development of their careers and increase their impact on the community.
  • Increase indigenous knowledge production on civil society issues that will better inform development agenda and planning.
  • Build a community of practice (CoP) spanning across disciplinary boundaries, with academia, civil society actors and other stakeholders in
    West Africa to exchange ideas, opportunities, and solution to advance the development agenda in the region.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP FOCUS” tab_id=”1654004262268-d725321d-2758″][vc_column_text]The focus of the fellowship for 2022 will hinge on deepening fellowsā€™ understanding of the social, economic, and political contribution of civil society to development in West Africa. Fellows will be afforded the opportunity to contribute to ongoing research on the social, economic, and political contribution of civil society to development in West Africa.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”EXPECTED OUTCOMES” tab_id=”1654004332848-e1159fda-1099″][vc_column_text]At the end of the programme, fellows are expected to have hands-on knowledge and contextual evidence on social economic and political contribution of civil societies in West Africa produced by young research fellows. The results of the various research projects will be disseminated to relevant stakeholders in the region and regularly discussed at the policy roundtables as a tool for action. The fellowship would contribute to strengthen thought leadership in the civil society sector in West Africa[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”BENEFITS” tab_id=”1654004403812-87535729-bfac”][vc_column_text]Research fellows will receive monthly stipends and a research allowance from the institute. In addition, active participation in this fellowship offers aspiring
academicians or fellows with a keen interest in civil society access to a wide range of benefits to help successfully conduct their research or engage in a
knowledge documentation project. The findings from the research and the overall experience of the fellows will be used to promote good practices in West Africa.

They will provide the necessary data and information as evidence for informed policymaking in the region. During the research fellowship, candidates can get a wealth of opportunities and it gives students skills and knowledge to better plan for or advance their future careers. Fellows will also have other opportunities and benefits such as:

  • A certificate of completion. This will be provided upon satisfactory completion of all tasks and submission of all agreed deliverables.
  • A monthly stipend.
  • At least one WACSeries publication.
  • Official recommendation from WACSI.
  • Free access to WACSIā€™s rich civil society resource centre.
  • Improved English-language skills (for French speaking participants).
  • Become a member of a regional network of research fellows in the non-profit sector.
  • A creative and stimulating professional environment for the students.
  • Intercultural working experience with professionals from different West African countries.
  • Networking events and building of strong relationships with seasoned development partners.
  • Visibility of the fellow as his/her work will be disseminated to development actors and partners in West Africa and beyond.
  • Cross-disciplinary exposure and experience in knowledge management, capacity development, policy advocacy and influencing, monitoring, evaluation and learning from the work of WACSIā€™s respective Units.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”DELIVERABLES” tab_id=”1654004655554-28478e99-42ed”][vc_column_text]Production of publishable research reports; policy documents; articles (Issues Papers, Op-Eds); and blogs on social, political and economic contribution and the re-imagining role of civil societies.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”FELLOWSHIP DURATION” tab_id=”1654004694313-ac0ab0a3-75a5″][vc_column_text]Fellows can spend between 3 to 6 months at the Institute. This will be based on the alignment of the fellowship goals with the studentā€™s current academic, career and research interests. However, applications will be considered on a rolling basis and applicants will be selected on a case-by-case basis each year.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”TIMELINES” tab_id=”1654004730212-f38249b7-b2fc”][vc_column_text]2 May 2022: Application opens.
16 May 2022: Deadline for receipt of applications.
20 May 2022: Shortlisted applicants are notified by email.
Week of 23 May 2022: Interview with shortlisted applicants.
Week of 30 May 2022: Selected candidates will receive feedback on their applications.
6 June 2022: Beginning of the research fellowship. Selected fellows can however discuss start dates per their specific cases.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”ELIGIBILITY” tab_id=”1654005965637-53ff69e9-365a”][vc_column_text]

  • The fellowship is open to all young researchers from West Africa. Other young researchers who are not from the region but are interested in understanding and documenting civil society praxis in West Africa can be considered.
  • Interested in working on civil society issues or in the development sector.
  • Recent Masterā€™s or PhD graduates who completed their studies within the last two years.
  • Applicants must be able to demonstrate strong analytical skills and the ability to perform independent research.
  • Interested applicants should be able and ready to cover all costs related to the fellowship. Applicants should be able to mobilise the resources to cover costs related to their travel to and from Accra, accommodation and living expenses while in Accra for the agreed period of the fellowship.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”HOW TO APPLY” tab_id=”1654006103217-edfbcbb0-82b0″][vc_column_text]If you wish to be considered for the fellowship, apply by submitting the following:

  • An application letter clearly stating your career, academic and research goals
  • One article (published or unpublished).
  • A 300-word synopsis articulating their research interest which must align with the research fellowship focus (see above). This synopsis must present the research objectives, questions and a proposed methodology to pursue the
    research goals.
  • A curriculum vitae.

All applications should be sent to WACSI: by 16 May 2022.

Selected candidates are expected to reside in Accra at the time of the fellowship and work from the instituteā€™s office in Accra, Ghana. WACSIā€™s Knowledge Management Unit will provide close supervision to the research fellows throughout the fellowship period. However, due to the current threat posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, interested candidates who are not based in Accra will be considered for the programme. Selection will be based on applicantā€™s demonstration of their ability to deliver while working remotely.

Females are highly encouraged to apply


Publications authored by previous research fellows include the following.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]

WE ARE HIRING @ SOS Children’s Villages Nigeria

VACANCIESā€¦(Closing date 14th May, 2022)

Are you an exceptional self-starter or a solutions-driven social development professional, looking for opportunities to advance your career? Then hereā€™s the opportunity youā€™ve been seeking!
SOS Childrenā€™s Villages Nigeria is hiring! Click to apply for the position that most suitably matches your skillset.

Established in 1949, SOS Childrenā€™s Villages is a dynamic social development international organization working globally to meet the needs and protect the interest and rights of orphaned and vulnerable children.Ā  In Nigeria, SOS Childrenā€™s Villages was established in 1973 after the civil war as an affiliate of SOS Childrenā€™s Villages International which is a federation of 137 SOS Childrenā€™s Villages Associations worldwide. We build families for neglected, abandoned or orphaned children, we help them shape their own futures and we share in the development of their communities. In fulfilment of our expansion project, we urgently require skilled individuals to fill the following vacancies. All eligible candidates are required to possess the under-listed skills in addition to role-specific requirements:

  • Understanding the NGO/INGO sector
  • Excellent understanding of childrenā€™s rights and child protection issues
  • Awareness and basic understanding of issues affecting orphans & vulnerable children, such as the causes of vulnerability (e.g. HIV & AIDS, Gender, Social Development Issues, Youth Development); local and national responses, etc.
  • Excellent command of written and spoken English ā€“ other languages, an asset
  • Strong analytical and reporting skills, including the ability to identify problems and possible solutions, and the ability to reflect these in a report.
  • Good communication skills and people development skills, including facilitation, coaching and mentoring skills, to build the capacities of co-workers from partner organizations; as well as of children and their caregivers, and other community members
  • Collaboration skills, being driven to work with others and being able to build strong working relationships with community members and groups
  • Fluent in at least one of the local languages spoken in the Programmeā€™s target communities
  • Ability and willingness to travel as required within and between project/programme locations
  • Ability to work successfully in a cross-cultural, team-based environment
  • Strong use of MS Office Word, Excel and PowerPoint, Office 365


In accordance with the organizationā€™sĀ Child Protection Policy, all employment is subject to applicable background checks, including criminal record checks where possible.

Ā Ā 


Qualified candidates should apply through the website address:ĀĀ not later than two weeks from the date of publication. Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Youth Task Teams of the Africa Youth Partnership to Advocate an Equitable Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Youth Task Teams of the Africa Youth Partnership to Advocate an Equitable Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic


[Restless Development]( and YOTA (Youth Opportunity & Transformation in Africa) have launched the Africa Youth Partnership for an Equitable Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic through which we are engaging, supporting, and empowering young people to put their ideas into action and play a leading role in continental recovery efforts. Through this work, we are engendering increased attention to and investment in addressing the critical issues of social and economic inequality that have been escalated by the COVID-19 pandemic. As duty bearers and stakeholders at local, national, and continental levels act decisively in response to young peopleā€™s voices and engagement, the African recovery agenda becomes more inclusive and equitable.


Thanks to funding from the [Ford Foundation](, we are escalating youth action for an equitable recovery across Africa, with a focus on ten countries in 2022, namely Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The aim is to improve the capacities and skills of youth-led organisations and young innovators to develop and implement policy accountability frameworks and offer solutions, enabling them to better connect, collaborate, and self-organise towards evidence-based advocacy for equitable pandemic response and recovery on the continent.

The Nigeria Network of NGOs (NNNGO) is the first generic membership body for civil society organisations in Nigeria that facilitates effective advocacy on issues of poverty and other developmental issues. Established in 1992, NNNGO represents over 3495 organisations ranging from small groups working

Do you have questions? Call or visit us.


Plot 3 Sobanjo avenue, Idi-ishin Jericho Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria.

15 Ramat Crescent, Ogudu GRA, Lagos, Nlgeria



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