Urgent: Reputational Damage by Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Matthew T. Page


Dear Members,

The Nigeria Network of NGOs is bringing to your attention a report published on Wednesday 28 July 2021, listing the Nigeria Network of NGOs as a “fake civil society organisation and pro-government NGO”. The report was published by Matthew T Page a non-resident Fellow at Carnegie Endowment based in Washington DC.


In his note (Appendix 3) labelled “Based on analysis of a detailed, author-compiled data set of more than 360 pro-government NGOs It is accessible at: https://tinyurl.com/55bem3n8” and his analysis of NNNGO on serial number 313, the level of “analysis of a detailed, author-compiled data set” that went into this research is revealed when compared with the wealth of information about the Network on our website at www.nnngo.org


As part of a formal response, we thought it important to inform our esteemed members, all 3033 of you on this development and to make a clear stand against this publication essentially because it goes against our mission, vision and purpose as an organisation. This report presents a completely wrong image of the Network and its claims, based on lack of evidence or sufficient information as is seen from the dearth of information about the Network.


We have launched an official communications strategy to enable us effectively respond to these allegations and have begun the processes to ensuring the allegations are retracted and an official apology issued by the researcher and the publishing organisation by issuing a formal letter addressed to the Interim President of Carnegie Endowment International for Peace. Read the letter here https://nnngo.org/initial-response-to-carnegie-and-mr-t-page-on-fake-civil-society-report/


To show your support and stand during this process, we urge that you kindly sign the petition in this link https://nnngo.org/petition-against-defamation/ and share the creatives attached in this email using the hashtags #NNNGOisLegit #IStandWithNNNGO across your media platforms.


Thanks, as we continue to count on your loyalty as members of the Nigeria Network of NGOs.


Nigeria Network of NGOs
15, Ramat Crescent,
Ogudu GRA, Lagos